Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Blog

Alyna started homeschool preschool this week and I have started a new blog to keep track of it. The link is to the right, but just in case it is



Maggie said...

oh i love the new look! and kudos on the other blog :)

Kizzie said...

I love your family picture at the top of your blog! Cute!!!

Also, good luck home schooling Alyna!!! Are you planning on homeschooling all through school?

Sam said...

WOW, you are WAY too organized for me Kens! I love it... I am going to have to steal some of your preschool ideas -- way too cute!!!

Lyna is in a ton of classes too, how do you find out about all of these fun things?! I think Edelweiss would LOVE doing things like that, but I don't know if we have anything like that around here... and I totally love her ballet/tap outfit, too cute!


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