Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Food Storage...

Well, I decided this week that I really should work on getting some type of food storage built up (if a disaster happened right now, we would be in big trouble!). So, I searched around and found the $5/week food storage plan here. I am upping it to $10/week and I am sure some weeks I will have to go over because of our different dietary needs (ex. having to sub canned chicken for canned tuna), but all in all I think it is a good plan and it will at least get us some basics.
Tuesday is my grocery day, so I went today to get my 12 lbs. of salt. The salt canisters are over 1 lb. each (something like 1 lb. 9 oz.) and I didn't feel like being that specific (especially since they were $.34 each, so I just grabbed 10 canisters. I got some of the weirdest looks! One lady stopped by me and said "Must be for a school project!" to which I said, as seriously as I possibly could, "Nope, just stocking up!"....she definitely thought I was crazy!


Kizzie said...

That's a great food storage plan! You've inspired me! I'm going to try it too!


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